Links, RC Aircraft Clubs, and Flying Fields
AMA - Academy of Model Aeronautics
District IX - Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota
Callie Graphics - Custom graphics for R/C Models
Nebraska RC Aircraft Clubs:
Aurora RC Flyers
Contact: Mark Bergt
Location: Google maps - 1440-1454 NE-14, Aurora.
Bellevue RC Aeromodelers
Contact: Rick Lingenfelter
Website: www.bellevuerc.com
Location: Keystone Trail, Bellevue.
Fort Sidney Fliers
Website: Find us on Facebook at Fort Sidney Fliers RC Club
Contact: Leland Webb - fortsidneyfliers[at]gmail[dot]com
Location: Just north of the Cheyenne County Fair Grounds, Sidney.
Hastings Skylarks
Website: www.hastingsrc.org
Location: Take Highway 6 east of Hastings to Maxon Avenue. Maxon Avenue is the first intersection east of the railroad tracks. Go south on Maxon Avenue 2.3 miles to Cornhusker Avenue. Go straight west (don't turn) until you come to the field.
Kearney RC Club
Website: www.kearneyrc.com
Lincoln Area Soaring SOC
Contact: Thomas Wild
Lincoln Black Sheep RC
Contact: stuntpilot51 @ gmail . com (no spaces)
Location: South of Yankee Hill Wildlife Management Area, Lincoln.
Lincoln Sky Knights
Website: www.lincolnskyknights.org
Location: 134th and Waverly Rd., Lincoln.
Midwest Performance Flyers
Website: www.performanceflyers.com
Location: Omaha.
Contact: Robert Cochrane on 402-379-9242
Location: Norfolk.
Nebraska Free Flighters
Contact: Lynn Fehr
Location: W Juniper Rd, Beatrice, NE 68310
Omahawks R/C Club, Inc
Website: www.omahawks.org
Location: Standing Bear Lake 38th and Fort Street, Omaha.
Western R/C Flyers
Website: https://www.modelaircraft.org/club/western-rc-flyers-inc
Location: Mead, NE